Source code for metad.metadata

import copy
import json
import os

import fastjsonschema

base_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
path_to_schema = os.path.join(base_directory, "schema.json")
with open(path_to_schema, "rt") as fin:
    validate = fastjsonschema.compile(json.load(fin))

[docs]class MetaData(): """Read, write, and validate metadata. The MetaData object provides methods to help read, write, and validate metadata. It uses the JSON schema, which can be found in `schema.json`, to validate the structure of the metadata and applies additional logic checks internally. """ def __init__(self): = { "tables": [], "foreign_keys": [], "constraints": [] } def __str__(self): text = "" text += "Number of Tables: %s\n" % len(["tables"]) text += "Number of Foreign Keys: %s\n" % len(["foreign_keys"]) text += "Number of Constraints: %s\n" % len(["constraints"]) text += "\n" for table in["tables"]: primary_keys = [] if "primary_key" in table: primary_keys = table["primary_key"] if isinstance(table["primary_key"], str): primary_keys = [table["primary_key"]] text += "Table: %s\n" % table["name"] for field in table["fields"]: if field["name"] in primary_keys: text += " *%s\n" % field["name"] else: text += " %s\n" % field["name"] text += "\n" return text
[docs] def to_json(self, path_to_json=None): """Export the MetaData object to a JSON file. Args: path_to_json (str, optional): The path to the JSON file which should be created. If set to None, the JSON object is returned as a string. """ if path_to_json: with open(path_to_json, "wt") as fp: json.dump(, fp, indent=2) return json.dumps(, indent=2)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(path_to_json): """Load a MetaData object from a JSON file. Args: path_to_json (str): The path to the JSON file. Returns: MetaData: An instance of the MetaData object. """ metadata = MetaData() with open(path_to_json, "rt") as fp: = json.load(fp) return metadata
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the contents of this metadata object. This validates the metadata against the JSON schema. It also performs additional logic checks (i.e. that table/field names are unique) to ensure that the metadata is valid. Raises: AssertionError: If the metadata is not valid. """ validate( # Assert that field names are unique table_ids, field_names = [], [] for table in["tables"]: table_ids.append(table["id"]) for field in table["fields"]: field_names.append((table["id"], field["name"])) assert len(table_ids) == len(set(table_ids)) assert len(field_names) == len(set(field_names)) # Assert that the foreign key fields exist if "foreign_keys" in for key in["foreign_keys"]: if isinstance(key["field"], str): assert (key["table"], key["field"]) in field_names assert (key["ref_table"], key["ref_field"]) in field_names else: for field in key["field"]: assert (key["table"], field) in field_names for ref_field in key["ref_field"]: assert (key["ref_table"], ref_field) in field_names # Assert that the constraint fields exist if "constraints" in for constraint in["constraints"]: for field in constraint["fields_under_consideration"]: assert (field["table"], field["field"]) in field_names, field for field in constraint["related_fields"]: assert (field["table"], field["field"]) in field_names, field
[docs] def add_table(self, table): """Add the table object to the metadata. The table object must conform the the JSON schema specification. Args: table (dict): A dictionary representing the table. """["tables"].append(copy.deepcopy(table)) self.validate()
[docs] def add_foreign_key(self, foreign_key): """Add the foreign key object to the metadata. The foreign key object must conform the the JSON schema specification. Args: foreign_key (dict): A dictionary representing the foreign key relationship. """ if "foreign_keys" not in["foreign_keys"] = []["foreign_keys"].append(copy.deepcopy(foreign_key)) self.validate()
[docs] def add_constraint(self, constraint): """Add the constraint object to the metadata. The constraint table object must conform the the JSON schema specification. Args: constraint (dict): A dictionary representing the constraint relationship. """ if "constraints" not in["constraints"] = []["constraints"].append(copy.deepcopy(constraint)) self.validate()
[docs] def set_tables(self, tables): for table in tables: self.add_table(table) self.validate()
[docs] def set_foreign_keys(self, foreign_keys): for foreign_key in foreign_keys: self.add_foreign_key(foreign_key) self.validate()
[docs] def get_tables(self): return copy.deepcopy(["tables"])
[docs] def get_table(self, table_name): for table in["tables"]: if table["name"] == table_name: return table
[docs] def get_table_names(self): return copy.deepcopy([table["name"] for table in["tables"]])
[docs] def add_field(self, table_name, field): for table in["tables"]: if table["name"] == table_name: table["fields"].append(field) self.validate()
[docs] def get_foreign_keys(self, table_name=None): if table_name: foreign_keys = [] for foreign_key in["foreign_keys"]: if foreign_key["table"] == table_name: foreign_keys.append(foreign_key) if foreign_key["ref_table"] == table_name: foreign_keys.append(foreign_key) return copy.deepcopy(foreign_keys) return copy.deepcopy(["foreign_keys"])